Happy New You 2016 – Smoothie a day


Start your day the smoothie way. Surely will help keep the doctor way!


Top 10 reasons to put more smoothies in your diet:

  1. Get your daily allowance of fruits and vegetables.
  2. Kids like smoothies.
  3. Easier weight loss.
  4. Improved digestion..
  5. Build muscle and improve athletic performance.
  6. Radiant skin, hair, and nails.
  7. Strengthen your immune system.
  8. You can consume a smoothie at any meal.
  9. The right fuel for more short and long term energy.
  10. Brain boost

SmothiesInGlasses7 days of smoothies


Creating the best smoothie means starts with choosing the best base. The healthiest options include water, almond milk, rice milk or low-fat yogurt.  The water will provide your body with fluid that is necessary for metabolism of food and transportation of nutrients. The low-fat dairy contains calcium and vitamin D, which help your bones stay strong.

Day 1 – Swiss chard, banana, pineapple, apple, blueberries, dates, ground flaxseed

Day 2 – blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, Swiss chard, spinach, pineapple, oats, flaxseed

Day 3 – ½ cup beets, ½ carrots, ½ cup avocado, pear

Day 4 – spinach, avocado, apple, Blackberries, strawberries, pineapple

Day 5 – Spinach, rolled oats, orange, pineapple, blueberries, apple

Day 6 – kale, honey rock melon, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries

Day 7 – Swiss chard, banana, peach, honey rock, blackberries, strawberries, flaxseed


Join Michelle Obama’s 30 day vegan challenge: http://www.choosingvegan.com/articles/in-the-news/michelle-obama-vegan-challenge/

Yours in health,

Dr. Velonda

FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/drvelonda          www.facebook.com/Be-Fit-Inc           TWITTER: @drvelonda           LINKEDIN: Dr Velonda

WEBSITES: www.drvelonda.net    EMAIL: info@sweetpotatodelights.com

Let’s Talk About Food!

Click here for more details! let’s talk about food

February 28-Day Healthy Eating Challenge:
Join the Challenge today! If you are interested in joining the Challenge. Starting late January and through February, you will receive weekly emails with  Challenge guidelines, cooking and nutrition tips, words of inspiration  and encouragement, class reminders, recipes, and chances to win special  prizes! Join yours truly!

Cooking is for Lovers!

WHAT: Cooking for Couples Evening (& Contest )

WHEN: Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dr. Velonda Thompson is hosting a special “Cooking for Couples” evening of demonstrating the preparation of a healthy, nutritious meal on Sunday, February at 3pm This free private evening especially for couples is presented in partnership with Acegroup Healthy Solutions, LLC and is by invitation only.  For a unique pre-Valentine’s gift or just a romantic evening for the two of you, enter the “Cooking for Couples Essay Contest.”

To participate, tell Dr. Velonda, in 150 words or less why you should be chosen to enjoy an evening of meal pampering. Include how attending might benefit your journey to a healthy .life. You must submit the essay by Wednesday, February 5 to drvelonda@gmail.com along with your name, your significant other’s name, contact phone number and email address. In the subject line please type “Cooking for Couples Contest”. The winner will be featured in Dr. Velonda’s Nutrition Nuggets newsletter and receive an autographed 2-book set of books written by Dr. Velonda