Happy New You 2016 – Smoothie a day


Start your day the smoothie way. Surely will help keep the doctor way!


Top 10 reasons to put more smoothies in your diet:

  1. Get your daily allowance of fruits and vegetables.
  2. Kids like smoothies.
  3. Easier weight loss.
  4. Improved digestion..
  5. Build muscle and improve athletic performance.
  6. Radiant skin, hair, and nails.
  7. Strengthen your immune system.
  8. You can consume a smoothie at any meal.
  9. The right fuel for more short and long term energy.
  10. Brain boost

SmothiesInGlasses7 days of smoothies


Creating the best smoothie means starts with choosing the best base. The healthiest options include water, almond milk, rice milk or low-fat yogurt.  The water will provide your body with fluid that is necessary for metabolism of food and transportation of nutrients. The low-fat dairy contains calcium and vitamin D, which help your bones stay strong.

Day 1 – Swiss chard, banana, pineapple, apple, blueberries, dates, ground flaxseed

Day 2 – blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, Swiss chard, spinach, pineapple, oats, flaxseed

Day 3 – ½ cup beets, ½ carrots, ½ cup avocado, pear

Day 4 – spinach, avocado, apple, Blackberries, strawberries, pineapple

Day 5 – Spinach, rolled oats, orange, pineapple, blueberries, apple

Day 6 – kale, honey rock melon, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries

Day 7 – Swiss chard, banana, peach, honey rock, blackberries, strawberries, flaxseed


Join Michelle Obama’s 30 day vegan challenge: http://www.choosingvegan.com/articles/in-the-news/michelle-obama-vegan-challenge/

Yours in health,

Dr. Velonda

FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/drvelonda          www.facebook.com/Be-Fit-Inc           TWITTER: @drvelonda           LINKEDIN: Dr Velonda

WEBSITES: www.drvelonda.net    EMAIL: info@sweetpotatodelights.com

Detox to double your days!

Detoxification a.k.a. detox means to cleanse the body of particular substances, typically alcohol, sugar, or caffeine. There are 300,000 new toxins/impurities threatening the body each year making it more important to infuse detoxification into the way we live. Scientists are reporting that 6,000 new toxins are being added to the Chemical Society’s Chemical Abstract weekly. These toxins are causing our bodies to become acidic and in an acidic environment disease grows and spreads. Some toxins are obvious and some are hidden. To remove such toxins we need to detox our body regularly. Detoxing can occur daily and you can follow deeper level programs as long as 28 days.

To detoxify your body you can exercise and drink lots of water. If you are in the Detroit, Michigan area you can visit my friend Monica at Go smoothies http://www.gosmoothies.com/. 110 Clifford (48201). My picks for the top beverages on their menu are listed below. We are still in the 1 st month of the new year and it is not too late to resolve to juice and smoothie more in you own kitchen!  Juicing and drinking plant or fruit smoothies is a lifestyle approach that supports a built-in detoxing way of life.


Monica Samuel, Principal

Top 3

  1. Support healthy liver functioning  and regulates blood sugar with “Carrot, yam, ginger, nutmeg/cinnamon” – a cozy seasonal favorite that is  great for hair skin and nails,  high in iron and potassium and helps boosts metabolism.
  2. Go green! Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agent (bromelain has found to reduce arthritis pain) are loaded in the “Cucumber, kale, lime/lemon, jalapeño, pineapple, mint” drink. Metabolism boosting agents makes this delicious juice a five-star option.
  3.  Did I say Go Green! (#2). You can never get to mush greens food. “Kale, celery, cucumber, ginger, lime, cilantro, green apple” is liquid goodness with celery and ginger to aid digestive health. Celery is known to contain at least eight families of anti-cancer compounds. Among them are the acetylenics that have been shown to stop the growth of tumor cells.Cucumber is incredibly hydrating and charged with enzymes, B vitamins, vitamin C, nutrients, and electrolytes to build skin radiance from within. Cucumber is full of beautifying silica, as well as caffeic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Yours in health ~ Dr. Velonda

877-888-3546              www.drvelonda.net                  Facebook: Be-Fit, inc.                 Twitter: #drvelonda

Eat Like a Rainbow

How many colors in the rainbow were represented in my last meal? If your answer is two or less, let’s hope that one of the colors was green. If not, check back often for options for getting the rainbow effect on your plate and in your body. And remember, the rainbow is a symbol of hope and promise. The opposite is despair and death.